Make sure you have a strong Internet connection. If possible, use an ethernet cable connection as this will give you quicker and more stable bandwidth.
Consider the use of a headset for better audio quality. Good audio is important for ease of listening and processing of information.
Mute your mic as soon as you join a call and whenever you are not speaking.
If your audio is spotty, consider turning your video off if it is enabled.
In Zoom, use your spacebar to mute/unmute your microphone.
Click your profile, then click settings
Click the audio tab
Check the option “Press and hold the spacebar to temporarily unmute yourself.”
Make sure you have proper front lighting.
Position yourself in the center of the webcam.
Keep your background professional and distraction-free.
Microsoft Teams and Zoom allow for the use of virtual backgrounds if your current background is too distracting.
Look at the webcam when speaking to create a direct connection with your audience.
Turn your video off if you are doing something that may distract other people on your call.
Turn your video off if you are having internet or bandwidth issues.
Keep movement to a minimum.
Avoid eating.
Be courteous and considerate of those attending.
Act and talk as you would at work.
Try not to multi-task.
Take advantage of the chat feature to ask a question when someone else is speaking.
Raise your hand in the camera, use the “raise hand” feature, or send a message using the chat in Zoom or Teams to indicate you would like to speak.
Dress appropriately for your meetings. While we may be working in an online environment, it is still important to wear appropriate attire when in a meeting.
Come prepared. Online meetings are like any other and having everything you would bring to a meeting in person is still important.
Microsoft Teams can be run on Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and Android and iOS devices. For more information on the minimum system requirements for Teams, please go to Microsoft’s hardware requirements page for Teams.
Producers and presenters on Teams live events, attendees not included, must use the full Windows or Mac desktop client. Android, including Chromebooks, and iOS devices will not work for live events.
Zoom runs on Windows 10, Mac OS X, and other operating systems. For more information on the minimum system requirements for Zoom, please go to Zoom’s system requirements page.
The moderator’s role is to help maintain control of the virtual room by interjecting as needed.
Be patient with individuals serving this role as they may need to adjust talking points during speaker pauses and transitions and guide discussions, remind speakers to repeat questions from attendees before answering them, and/or call on people notably quiet throughout the meeting to be sure everyone has an opportunity to voice their thoughts.
If you are going to host many meetings via Zoom, use your “Personal Meeting ID” to allow users a more direct way to join your meetings.
If you use your Personal Meeting ID (PMI) when you create a Zoom meeting, you will need to create a password to schedule the meeting.
Take steps to ensure unauthorized persons are not joining your meetings. Passwordprotect sessions (now required for MSU Zoom meetings) and check your participant's list during the meeting.
Try to keep your meetings under one hour if you can. If your meeting is going to be longer than an hour, please consider taking a short break so that everyone can stretch or take a moment to focus back on the call.
Consider livecaptioning. If you have difficulty hearing or members of your group do, consider incorporating closed captioning to enhance the experience and make it easier to keep up with the conversation. Zoom and Teams both allow for this functionality. Also, in Zoom, there is a running transcript so it’s easier to pay attention without taking as many notes.
When necessary, talk about confidential data, but do not directly share it. Your connection is only encrypted between you and the service provider.